
This document describes Modeling/etsicatalog installation by OOM.

OOM Charts

The Modeling/etsicatalog K8S charts are located in the OOM repository:

For OOM deployment you can refer to the OOM documentation.

Installing or Upgrading

The assumption is you have cloned the charts from the OOM repository into a local directory.

Step 1 Go into local copy of OOM charts

From your local copy, edit the values.yaml file to make desired changes.

Step 2 Build the chart

$ cd oom/kubernetes
$ make modeling
$ helm search local|grep modeling

Step 3 Un-install if installed before

$ helm delete  dev-modeling --purge
$ kubectl -n onap get pod |grep modeling-mariadb

Step 4 Delete persistent volume claim and NFS persisted data for etsicatalog

$ kubectl -n onap get pvc |grep dev-modeling|awk '{print $1}'|xargs kubectl -n onap delete pvc
$ rm -rf /dockerdata-nfs/dev-modeling/

Step 5 Reinstall

$ helm install local/modeling --namespace onap --name dev-modeling
$ kubectl -n onap get pod |grep modeling

Etsicatalog Pods

To get the etsicatalog Pod, run the following command:

$ kubectl -n onap get pods | grep modeling

dev-modeling-etsicatalog-754f4d6f94-lmjzz       2/2     Running                 2          92d

To access the etsicatalog docker container, run the command:

$ kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-modeling-etsicatalog-754f4d6f94-lmjzz -c modeling-etsicatalog -- /bin/bash

To restart the pod, run the command:

$ kubectl delete pod dev-modeling-etsicatalog-754f4d6f94-lmjzz -n onap

From Guilin Release, etsicatalog uses the public database:

$ kubectl -n onap get pods | grep mariadb-galera

dev-mariadb-galera-0                               2/2     Running            0          14d
dev-mariadb-galera-1                               2/2     Running            0          14d
dev-mariadb-galera-2                               2/2     Running            0          14d

Exposing ports

For security reasons, the port for the etsicatalog container is configured as ClusterIP and thus not exposed. If you need the port in a development environment, then the following command will expose it.

$ kubectl -n onap expose service modeling-etsicatalog --target-port=8806 --type=NodePort